Sunday, 29 March 2009

I'm so Proud I could Cry!

Hello to all you lovely ladies, I hope the sun is shining brightly wherever you are today, here we are basking in sunshine hurah! Well as the title for today states I am so Proud I could cry, in fact I did cry lots! The reason for my outburst is my 6 year old daughter Liliana, she had to take part in a church parade this morning representing her Rainbows group, along with the Brownies and Guides. During these services the older girls are encouraged to make short readings from the bible but the Rainbows are seen as too young and to be honest they get very frightened as a rule about standing up in front of strangers I know I do! Anyway we were one brownie short for the readings so Brown Owl suggested that maybe Liliana could have a go, I knew Liliana could read the passage but I did not think she would feel comfortable standing up in front of a packed church. Well how wrong was I! She stood up and read beautifully and clearly and I just lost the plot! I was so overcome with emotions that my nose was running and I was having difficulty keeping quite! I think some of the parishioners thought I was having some kind of a breakdown. My daughter on the other hand was as cool as cucumber and looked rather embarrassed of her deranged mother. I must remember this moment for the rest of my life, for I know my not so little girl is growing up faster than I realised and I am just soooo PROUD!

I have spent most of this weekend with Easter on my mind, Liliana wanted to make some Easter Cards for friends and family so we had a crafting session on Saturday which was lovely. Little Mia was not so easy to please as she has taken to drawing on mummy's walls instead of on paper! It can be quite challenging to amuse two children of such differing ages, and I do feel a bit sorry for Liliana sometimes as she probably feels a bit left out a times, but she does understand that keeping Mia safe from injury at this moment in time is Mummy's sole objective!

I have been persevering with my new book I mentioned earlier on in the week, and have managed to create a daffodil, Poppy, rose and viola. I'm quite pleased with them, and as some of you ladies who already have the book told me it does get easier if you stick with it. So if your thinking of having a go do!

Oh well time to go now, wishing you all a lovely sunny Sunday, speak to you all very soon. xxx


  1. Your flowers look wonderful!! Good for you. As for the crying...I blubber like a baby at the girls dance recital each year. In fact, just this a.m. my youngest says to me out of the blue "Mommy, you know that song where she says 'Big Girls Don't cry'? Well, that just doesn't make sense, because YOU cry." I'm glad I'm not alone :)

  2. I'm a cryer too, and I would of definately cried at that today!
    Beki xxx

  3. Your flowers look fab!!
    Kids-they make you so proud you could burst don't they! and they always seem to surprise you constantly with how clever they are!! I'd have cried too.
    Have a fab weekend
    Emma :)

  4. Well done to Liliana that was really brave of her!
    Flowers look great I haven't tried the poppy yet might try it tonight.
    Thanks for the award.
    Yvonne x

  5. hiya! what a lovely post - I'm not surprised it was a hanky moment - you had me welling and I was just reading about it!
    I've just finished wrapping up the swap- it will be winging its way to you tomorrow!! I do hope you like it - I'm so excited, I've really enjoyed it!
    BH x

  6. Oooh its so lovely when your children do you proud! What a star your little girl is.

    Your crafting afternoon sounds lovely! I know what you mean though when you have two children of different ages it can be difficult, I find whatever La la wants to do Boo Bear likes to follow even though sometimes she is not as capable! bless her

    take care

