Thursday, 12 March 2009

My 1st Award!...

I have received an award from the lovely Pixie Dust over at Faerie Nuff thanks so much! I have to list 7 things I love and pass the award on to 7 other blogs which I might find difficult as most of the blogs I follow have already received the same award. I will have to start venturing further out into blogland and discover some more lovely ladies to award. Anyway here goes with my list:


1. My Family.

2. Italy

3. Anything Creative.

4. King Charles Cavelier Spaniels.

5. Castle Coombe Village.

6. My Childrens Sleepy Faces first thing in the morning. They look like little Pixies!

7. Bluebell Woods.

here are the seven people I would like to pass the award on to:

Country Bliss


Lace Hearts
Miss Sew n Sew


  1. Oooh how exciting as that will be my first award. Thank you so much! (right now I am going to sound really stupid but how do you put them on the blog! you can tell I am a technophobe cant you!) lol.

    By the way I love the picture of the Kings Charles. I have really been trying to get one for us at some point! that picture is soooooo cute. Is it your dog?

  2. Thanks for your comment. Off to investigate your blog now! hehe

    I love those King Charles spaniels. I don't like any other little dogs usually, but they are so friendly! :-)

  3. How lovely of you, thank you.
    I love the pictures you've shown.
    I agree with you about children's sleepy faces - so cute. x

  4. You have a lovely blog ~ well done on winning your first award!

    Love your crochet squares ~ wish I could master this craft, I think I need to take some lessons as I think the results are so pretty!

  5. Congratulations on your first award and thanks for mine. Love the puppy pic so cute.
    Yvonne x

  6. Hi! Love the pic of the cute pooch - soooo lovely!
    The Easter swap is my first too so at least we are new to this together! I'm about half way through now I think, thoroughly enjoying it I am!
    Congrats too on the deserved award!
    BH x

  7. Hi Lisa

    I'm so sorry I missed this post before, thank you very much! I am rubbish about posting about awards but I am really touched :)

    Thanks for your lovely comment!

    Mel xxx
