Tuesday, 3 March 2009

That's right I'm delighted I discovered this morning that I finally had 3 comments on my blog! I am so computer phobic that I did not realize until my hubby explained to me that you have to comment on other peoples blogs for them to realize that you exist! I feel so silly I just assumed that someone would chance upon me and that would be it! OH well I am now just a little bit more educated on the subject now. Thanks to all you ladies who commented it made my day!

Now I need to confess to a rather obsessive condition of mine I spend many a while getting inspiration from all the lovely blogs out there, and, also own many crafty books of all kinds which is ok, the problem is I have so many projects uncompleted around my house that it has become a source of discontent with my Hubby. He sees me spending money on various materials and looks forward to the day of completion but it never arrives! The list is very long and there is far too much to mention ! So I have decided to sort myself out and start as I mean to go on and finish an entire project before starting another!

Here is my 1st finished project. A union jack cushion.

Do you like it? please let me know what you think.

Tomorrow I am going to show you a half finished project of mine that I must also finish it's a quilt for my oldest daughter's bed. Love to allxx


  1. Love that cushion, and love the crocheted hexagon blanket behind it too!!! Clever clogs!!! Looked on an older post, and saw that wonderful dresser you got on EBAY!!! iT'S LOVELY!!

    Look forward to seeing more of your blog : )

    Sharon xx

  2. I love your cushion. You have done such a great job with it. :O) I am just like you, and often start a project only to leave it and then forget about it or get bored and start something else! Still, it's nice to have lots of things on the go :O)

    thank you so much for your lovely comment *blush*, it's so nice to find a new name and a new blog. Lovely to meet you!

    Sadie :o)

  3. Hi Lisa
    Thanks for dropping in and saying hi!. Welcome to blogland.
    I think you have done an amazing job with the cushion, it looks lovely.
    I am making my blog private and have been collecting fellow bloggers emails so I can add them so they can log in and visit me. can you send me your email so I can add you. It will just mean when you click on my blog logo in future you will go to page and it will say email and then you will get through to me . If you send me your email it will only be visible to me, so it will be safe
    x Dom
