Monday, 9 March 2009

A lovely Weekend

Hello all! first of all lots and lots of thanks to the lovely ladies that left such kind comments regarding my very sorry for myself post last week! It was lovely to hear such kind thoughts and really made me feel much better in myself! I managed to sort out all my disorganised paper work in time to settle back and relax as hubby was off for the weekend! My back is feeling much better still sore but at least I can get about without hobbling around.

Saturday was spent planning a miniature garden for my eldest Rainbows Competition, finishing some of my projects, and also lying back with a lovely hot water bottle for back doing a bit of crochet. My new Crochet project comes once again from the talented Lucy at Attic 24 tutorial. I am finding it extremely relaxing to do as the stitches are pretty much the same round after round, you almost find yourself doing it without looking.

Bunny has finally got a face!

Sunday we decided to get out in the fresh air before the forecast rain arrived , it was beautiful morning and one could not believe that rain would come, but oh my how the rain came down! we managed to let the girls have a good run about and just as we got in the car the biggest rain drops I have seen started to fall on the windscreen! The heavens opened and for a moment we could not drive so we just sat in the car and watched the rain fall. All in all despite the rain a lovely relaxing weekend! Hope you all had a good weekend too!xxx

Racing up a very big hill!

Roley pol lying down the very big hill, Watch out!


  1. Lovely bunny. I just love the patterns in the springtime book. xxx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi, this is gillian! we are heart swap partners. I'm not keen on posting my contact details out here, but do you want to email me via my folksy or etsy accounts (on my blog profile) and then I can email you. Hope the back is better. Looking forward to the swap! Let me know when you want to swap too so we can post our parcels out the same day.
    gillian x

  4. Hi Lisa

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment, it's great to meet you! I see you have two girlies too, it looks like you were having fun. And another talented crochet-er in blogland, I wish I could do it!

    Mel xxx

  5. Hiya,

    so glad your back is better, its always great when you feel more like yourself again.

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog about my little girl. She is a tough cookie that one! lol.

    love your crocheting its beautiful. Not something I have ever had a go at. It looks very complicated.

    Take care.

  6. Beautiful colours in your crochet and love the bunny. It's good to be able to get out a bit looks like they had fun.
    Yvonne x

  7. Gosh, you are clever. I wish I could crochet like that and the colours you have chosen are lovely. Just what I would choose myself.

  8. What cute girls you have! I've got 2 as well but they are 10 & 7 years old. Lovely crochet project too. I love the colors.
